5 Reasons Your Blog Isn’t Making Money
So you decided to start a blog. You’ve been writing and writing blog posts but you’re just not getting the traffic you expected. What are you doing wrong?
Here are five common mistakes that you could be making.
You’re not utilizing social media.
Social media is the biggest way that you are going to drive traffic to your blog. More specifically Pinterest. I find that 80% of my blog traffic comes directly from posts that I pin on Pinterest.
In order to have a successful blog, it is important that you master Pinterest.
Mastering Pinterest can be complicated, they are constantly adjusting and changing their algorithms of what pins are seen more. I recommend this Pinterest course that I took that taught me everything I know.
I also use Tailwind to schedule my pins so that I am not chained to my computer for hours per day pinning my blog posts.
For more on Tailwind check out my post: How to Drive Traffic to Your Blog.
You’re not creating an email list.
Getting the email addresses from your users and sending them valuable emails is the best way to convert sales through affiliate products or through your own products.
If you’re trying to make a sale, a single blog post is often not going to be enough to do it. Creating an email relationship with your readers is going to help them start to trust you and value your input. This will, in turn, convert more sales.
I learned everything I know about email marketing from Alex and Lauren at Create and Go.
After taking their courses, I set up my email list through Convert Kit. And I use Convert Kit to track and automate my emails.
You’re not using images.
Humans tend to be attracted by visual stimulation. Using creative and professional images in your blog posts and on your Pinterest pins will make your blog look more clean and professional. I try to find colorful images that will attract people in my niche.
When you’re starting a new blog it is difficult spending money on it when you haven’t made any money yet. But prioritizing the amount of money that you are going to spend on your blog while you build traffic and profit is important. Paying for images was one of the first things that I signed up for.
You’re not hosting your own website.
When you are not hosting your own site, you are limited to the features that you can change and with the ads that you can insert.
When you are hosting your own site, you have free reign to do whatever you please with your blog. For better or for worse!
I use Bluehost to host my blog, Bluehost works with WordPress and is a seamless way to host and manage my blog.
You’re not writing catchy titles.
The title is what attracts people to your articles. It is important to tell your readers what they are going to learn from your article while keeping it catchy.
In order to do this, it is important to know what problems your readers are having that you can help them with. For example, a title such as: “5 Ways to Lose Weight Fast!” is going to attract more readers than a title such as: “Dieting”.
Go through your old blog posts and make sure that all of your titles are exciting and eye-catching!
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