• Blog,  Classroom Management,  Education

    How to Build A Relationship with Your Students

    Research shows that students learn better from teachers that they like.  If you think about it, it makes sense.  If you don’t like your instructor, you probably are not going to be as open to the information that they are sharing.  Not every student is going to like you, and it is not our job to be their best friend.  But if you can build an appropriate relationship with your students you will create a more positive classroom environment where more learning will happen. Build a Relationship by Asking Questions Students will feel like you care about them if you are curious about their life.  On a Monday morning, ask…

  • Blog,  Education,  Self Care

    Setting Goals as a Teacher

    I am always trying to grow as a teacher and as a person.  Because of this, I am always setting goals for myself to help guide myself to betterment.  Also, in the state I teach in, the teacher evaluator tool requires us to set goals to meet over the evaluation cycle.  (The cycle is either one year or two years)  Here are some tips for setting goals for yourself whether you are required to by your district or you just want to be your best. Setting Professional Goals A professional goal is something that you want to change about yourself as a teacher.  Whether it has to do with the…