Accommodations for Writing
I find helping students to write to be very challenging. For some people, it comes naturally and for some people, it can be a life long struggle. When I am developing an IEP with the parents and the rest of the team, it is important to include accommodations for students who have a writing disability so that they can be successful in the classroom. I have compiled a list of accommodations to share with you that could be helpful for your students. Obviously there is never a one size fits all solution to helping students. But these are just different ideas that I have tried for different students. Students who…
How I Accommodate Students During Tests and Quizzes
In my position, I provide inclusion support to special education students. This involves a lot of co-teaching, modifying assessments on the go, providing accommodations, and sometimes it feels like I’m constantly juggling. Many of my students struggle with showing what they know during a test, and I juggle with the balance between helping them show what they know and providing them too much help that it is not a proper assessment. Here are some of the things that I do when my students are taking tests. Separate Setting Many of my students benefit from taking their tests and quizzes in a separate setting, more specifically in my classroom with me…