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Accommodations for Writing

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I find helping students to write to be very challenging.  For some people, it comes naturally and for some people, it can be a life long struggle.  When I am developing an IEP with the parents and the rest of the team, it is important to include accommodations for students who have a writing disability so that they can be successful in the classroom.

I have compiled a list of accommodations to share with you that could be helpful for your students.

Obviously there is never a one size fits all solution to helping students.  But these are just different ideas that I have tried for different students.

Students who have a hard time physically writing:

Planning/Developing Writing:

  • Graphic organizers
  • Sentence starters
  • Word lists
  • Use of a thesaurus


Assistive Technology

Link to Product: Special Education Binder

These are just some of the many ideas of ways to support your students in the classroom with writing.  These are great ideas for RTI, IEP accommodations, 504 accommodations, and more.

Are there any great tools you use to help your students with writing?

Let me know in the comments!

Also, Check-Out:

Accommodations for Supporting Students with Dyscalculia

Fidget Toys for Middle School Students

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