How I Blog with a Full Time Job
Some bloggers have found a way to make it their full-time job. This is amazing, but I’m not there yet. For now, my blog and my TeacherspayTeachers.com store is really my side-hustle and I need to make time where I can to fit it in. There are some weeks where I get so much done, like this week I’m on school break, and then there are some weeks where I feel like I have zero time to get anything done and everything falls behind!
Automate as much as possible
There are plenty of things that you can set ahead of time and will run for you. My biggest tip for automation is Tailwind. I use Tailwind to schedule all of my Pinterest posts and then it posts them all for me. Without this, there is no way that I could keep my Pinterest moving. I had tried several other companies such as Traffic Wonker and BoardBooster, but Tailwind is really the best.
I also use Hootsuite to post to my Twitter and my Facebook. I LOVE Hootsuite because it is free if you are only using it for a few days at a time.
Plan Ahead
Make sure you know when those busy weeks are going to happen. When you know that you have other obligations that are going to cut into your work time in a week, you can plan for it. If I know that next week I won’t have time to set up my Tailwind, I will do two weeks ahead of time so that it’s already done. Knowing what you have to do each week and how long it is going to take is an important part of the planning and making sure that you don’t miss anything.
Get Up Early
I always say that after I get home from work, I am going to jump right into my blogging or product creation. But, every day when I get home from a long day of middle school, I am wiped! It is really hard for me to find the motivation to sit down and get to work. I find that getting up early and giving myself an hour to work in the morning, that I get a lot more done.
Have the Right Mindset
As your blog is growing, it is easy to think that you are never going to be successful. If you determine that, you are not going to have the motivation to keep putting in the work. I’m sure if you’re reading this you know by now that blogging isn’t easy. There are many hours of behind the scenes work that feels thankless. But, if you don’t keep a positive attitude and stay confident that you are going to make it, you won’t be successful.
Have faith in yourself, because I do! This little business you’re creating will do great things if you continue to put in the work!
Get Advice from the Pros!
There are plenty of blogging resources out there. Some paid and some free. Personally, I love Create and Go’s Courses. Check out:
Create and Go’s Pro Blogger Bundle
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