Create a Morning Routine!
Having a morning routine is the key to starting your day off on the right foot. Prior to creating a morning routine, I hit snooze three times, scroll social media, and then freaked out that I wasn’t going to have time to get ready. Because of that, I was starting my day rushed, panicked, and feeling like I was playing catch-up.
Creating a morning routine will help you start your day off in a way that makes you feel prepared and productive.
Decide what you want to prioritize in your morning routine
There are a million things that you could add to your morning routine. Obviously you can not fit all of them in. What you need to do is prioritize what you want from your morning routine. Do you want to focus on making healthy choices? Do you want to focus on productivity? I use my morning routine to take some time to work on my side hustle. Do you want to focus on self-care?
Decide what things are the most important to you and make a list.
Figure out what time you want to wake up
I hate to say it, but to make this work you are most likely going to have to wake up earlier. It hurts, but it’s true. What time are you willing to wake up to accomplish these things that you have deemed important?
Personally I get up at 5:00, I know that I have to be in the shower by 6:00 in order for me to get dressed, ready, and out the door on time. When I get up at 5 it gives me that hour to focus on the priorities that I have set. I use that hour to complete a thirty-minute workout and spend some time on my side hustle.
Create a schedule
If you say that you’re going to get up an hour early but don’t determine how long you’re going to spend on each task in your morning routine, you’re going to end up feeling rushed and running out of time.
Create a schedule for your morning, decide how many minutes you are going to spend on each task. This will help you stay calm and well planned.
Write it down!
Write down your plan for your morning routine. This will help you commit to following it. Having a visual reminder of the promise you made to yourself will help you not break that promise.
Let me know how it goes!
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