Using Positive Language to Empower Your Students!
Do you use positive language to handle behaviors in your class? As teachers, we have the power to set the tone in our classroom. Do you want students to walk into your classroom feeling like they are constantly making mistakes and failing? Or, do you want students to walk into your classroom feeling like it is a safe space where they can thrive? If you are taking the time to get advice and read articles, I think I know the answer to that question. You are obviously the type of teacher who wants to make your classroom the best that it can be. Reminding yourself to use positive language in…
My April 2019 Book Reviews
This month I had grand plans of reading so many books over April vacation from school. Well, that didn’t happen and I am really going to have to pick up my pace if I want to meet my goal of 50 books in 2019! I am trying to mix more non-fiction into my reading so this month I got through one of each, fiction and non-fiction. Burying the Honeysuckle Girls by Emily Carpenter This was my book club book this month and I was not a huge fan. There were elements of this book that I found enjoyable but then there was a lot that I didn’t. It is the…
Making Your First Dollar Blogging
Are you trying to get started with email marketing but you feel like there is just too much to learn? I still feel that way one year after signing up for a ConvertKit account. Have you ever wondered about all those success stories you see of people making a living online? Have you ever wanted to be one of those people? Well, why not you? Right now there are so many ways that you can use the skills that you have to make money online. The internet is filled with so many specialty blogs to help other people by sharing their knowledge. And it is so easy to get started.…
Finding Your Role as a Co-Teacher
Preface: Most of this post is going to be from the perspective of the special education teacher, only because that is my personal role and what I know more about. But a lot of these tips can be great for any co-teacher to read. Co-Teaching can be a delicate relationship. You walk into another teacher’s classroom and you’re ideally supposed to take over half of the power. It often feels like you are an intruder and you are not even sure if you’re welcome. A lot of teachers have routines and habits, they don’t want someone coming in and changing everything up. But, your district wants to move toward an…
What to Do When You Have a Substitute Teacher
Being out of school can be stressful, I, like many others, have gone into school when I probably should have stayed home because it was just going to be more work to be absent. Here are some tips to make things easier for you and for your substitute teacher. Have an afternoon routine. If you have a daily routine where you leave your classroom ready for the next day, it will be easier for unexpected absences. Often the biggest issue with an unexpected illness is that you did not make the copies that you need to make the day before. You thought you would have plenty of time before school…
March 2019 Book Reviews!
Another slow month, I am definitely going to have to pick it up during April vacation!! But I have two good non-fiction books this month! I have been reading a lot of non-fiction trying to absorb as much information as I can about self-care and motivation. This month I didn’t read any fiction books, but I hope to read a few next month!! You are a Badass Every Day Prior to reading this book, I read You are a Badass, also by Jen Sincero. Jen Sincero has an easy to read style of motivation. This novel is designed to help you refocus your life, put aside distractions, and work towards…
Why You Should Switch to ConvertKit
If you are a blogger, the best thing you can do to grow your business is to grow your email list. When you are creating an email list, you can choose from several different companies to manage that email list for you. The best company to manage your email list is ConvertKit. ConvertKit makes everything easier. They have a comprehensive library of tutorials that are so easy to follow explaining everything from the basics to advanced email marketing. Not only are their basic plans pretty inexpensive, but they also offer a completely free thirty-day trial for you to test out their product before making any financial commitment. What if…
What to Do When You’re About to Lose Your Cool
We’ve all had those days. The days where you are so frustrated at your class that you feel like you’re about to hit your breaking point. Don’t let this get to you, it does not make you a bad teacher or person. We are all human and sometimes we get frustrated with the situations that we are in. Working with students can be exhausting! Maybe you’re running off little sleep, and little Susie WON’T STOP TALKING during your lesson. Maybe you don’t feel good and your class just isn’t listening! There are so many situations that can bring out the worst in us and you can’t let it get you…
February 2019 Book Reviews
I read my typical three books a month this month and I need to pick it up! If I want to meet my goal of 50 books this year, I am going to have to get moving. A little fiction this month and a little non-fiction. I am trying to make sure that I am reading a variety of books to keep things interesting. It All Comes Back to You by Beth Duke This was my book club book this month. After a couple of bad months, I was really hoping for a good one and this one was pretty good. This is the story of a young nurse who…
Things to Include In Your Classroom Website
So you want to start a classroom website? Here are a few things that you should consider before you begin, and what information you should consider including. Tip to Consider: How Often Will You Update? It is easy to go into creating a classroom website and think that you are going to update it every day. But, you know yourself better than anyone else does. Truly, do you think you will be able to maintain that standard? For some people, it is easy. Just add it to your daily routine and BAM! But for others, it is just impractical. When you are planning out your website, keep your updating timeline…