• Blog,  Self Care

    5 Tips for Self-Care for Teachers

    The school year can get rough.  It is important that we take care of ourselves and keep ourselves healthy and relaxed.  Here are my best tips for self-care. Stop Comparing Yourself to Other Teachers There is always that teacher on your floor that seems to have everything figured out.  They have a perfectly decorated classroom, her class seems to behave like angels during assemblies, and she leaves work before the sun goes down every day.  All you think is that if you could be a little more like her, things would be better. Humans have a habit of constantly comparing themselves to others.  You want Carrie Underwood’s legs, a Kardashian…

  • Blog,  Education,  Math,  Special Education

    Why You Need to Flip Your Classroom Now!

    What does is the flipped classroom? The flipped classroom is when you take the types of activities that would typically be assigned for homework, and make them classwork.  While doing this, you take the activities that would generally be done in class and assign them for homework. In a typical middle school math class, the teacher explains a new concept to the class.  She explains the concept while writing on the board and describing the examples.  After the teacher is done with this “lecture” type math lesson, the students do practice activities.  And then they are assigned additional practice for homework. What’s wrong with that? This type of lesson has…

  • Blog,  Education,  ELA,  Math,  Special Education

    Pros and Cons of Assigning Homework

    Whether or not students should be receiving homework is a hot topic right now in education.  As a special education teacher, I have to be honest; I really can see both sides of the argument, and I don’t know yet on which side I fall. Pro: Additional Practice Homework provides your students with additional practice in the lessons that you are teaching in school.  It seems like every year the curriculum gets more and more difficult.  That every year we are required to cover even more, yet if we get rid of homework how are we expected to cover it all? In math especially, homework allows the students to get additional practice with…

  • Blog,  Classroom Management,  ELA,  Math,  Special Education

    Why You Should Be Using Exit Tickets in Your Classroom

    What are Exit Tickets? An exit ticket is when you have the students respond to a prompt, answer a question, solve a problem, some activity that you have students do and pass in to be able to leave at the end of class. An exit ticket is a great way to get an on the spot assessment of how the students are doing, or for the students to reflect on their learning. Exit Tickets for Assessment Exit tickets are a great way to get a sense of how your class is doing.  What was the objective of your lesson?  If you wanted to make sure that the students knew how…

  • Blog,  Blogging,  Reviews

    Launch Your Blog Business Review

    Are you thinking of starting a blog?  Or have you recently started a blog and you’re just not sure what to do to get to up and running?  If you have an interest in blogging, check out Create and Go they have amazing courses for bloggers of all kinds.   When I first started this blog I did everything wrong.  I tried to create a profitable blog without doing my research or having a plan.  That’s where Alex and Lauren come in.   Alex and Lauren, who are behind Create and Go created a course just for people like me.   Their course Launch Your Blog Business is designed for beginner bloggers. …

  • Blog,  Reading,  Special Education

    Books for your Middle School Library

    I currently teach inclusion special education in the eighth grade. When I am picking books for my classroom library, I always want to make sure I’m picking books that suit the needs of my students. Many of my students have difficulties with reading. Because of that, when I am looking for books for my classroom I like to make sure that I have books that are high-interest and 5-6 grade reading level.  I do also keep books that are on grade level because I do have students who are reading on grade level.  These books I have listed are high interest, but lower than eighth-grade difficulty. Harry Potter Box Set by…

  • Blog,  Self Care

    Tips For Staying Positive

    The testing season has begun!  It is time for state testing, plus all of the sudden I have six special education evaluations to do, how did that happen!?  When things get tough it is so hard to focus on staying positive. My evaluation information is due tomorrow, we’re getting close to the school play performance, and the kids are just not cooperating, and it’s the time of year that we’re all just completely overwhelmed. But, I still love my job, I still enjoy what I do.  It’s easy this time of year to forget that.  Keep reading for some tips to help you stay positive during this difficult time of…

  • Blog,  Organization,  Special Education

    Benefits of Color-Coding for your Middle School Students

    Do I show signs of OCD because I’m a teacher, or am I a teacher because I show signs of OCD?  Really it’s the chicken-or-the-egg debate all over again.  But, to get down to business, I color-code EVERYTHING! Color-Coding Color-coding is a tool that adults use to keep themselves organized.  If this works so well for us, why don’t we use this tool for our students too? Color-Coding in Math I use color-coding when teaching multi-step equations.  I will update this post with a picture to illustrate this but I am writing this post from home. We teach the students to use “DCVS” when solving multi-step equations.  DCVS stands for…

  • Blog,  Organization

    Tips to Spring Clean Your Classroom!

    It’s April!  The weather hasn’t seemed to catch on yet, but it is officially spring-time!  Here are some ways to spring clean your classroom. Wipe down everything! There are so many germs that have come through our classrooms this winter.  I personally feel like I am wiping down all of my surfaces every day.  But, take the time to thoroughly wipe down every surface in your room with a disinfectant. Don’t forget all of your student computers, your markers, and everywhere that the little hands touch.  But also, wipe down your teacher desk. This winter you have had substitutes, paraprofessionals, and other adults in your room.  Don’t forget to clean…

  • Blog,  Special Education

    Why I Email Parents Everyday

    In the past, I have shared other posts about parent communication (see: 5 Things to Remember when Talking to Parents and Using Social Media for Parent Communication.  To have a successful special education classroom or any classroom for that matter. Having a positive relationship with parents is so important.  So I am going to tell you why I email parents EVERY DAY! That’s too much! I know, it sounds crazy to email parents every day, but it is a simple email every afternoon.  I send home a mass email with all of the need to know information. Every day, I send home an email with that day’s homework and any other valuable information. …