August 2020 Book Reviews
Deadliest Enemy by Michael Osterholm
Michael Osterholm is an epidemiologist. I read this book because I wanted to feel more informed when I’m watching all the news reports about COVID-19. Osterholm wrote this book years before COVID-19 happened but how accurate his predictions about what would happen are, were frightening!
This book is very scientific and very dense, but it was also super interesting and informative.
I gave this book 4 out of 5 stars.
You Can Drop It! by Ilana Muhlstein
This book is a part of the Beachbody family of healthy living. This is the book that the 2B mindset is based off of. I found this mindset when taking part in the Morning Meltdown 100 challenge and Facebook groups. The people who were following it were finding great results and I wanted to see what it was about.
A lot of the principles in this book are pretty much common sense, but reading them in her writing style felt empowering and practical. I finished this book feeling, for once, that I could be successful in my weight loss. After losing 45 pounds last year, I am in an absolute stand still because of my inconsistency with my diet during this pandemic. I’m sorry, but when I’m home allll day it is super easy to eat 5 meals!
I gave this book 4 stars.
I Thought it was Just Me by Brene Brown
I have been working through all of Brene Brown’s work after reading somewhere that they are great reads for people who are Enneagram Type 2. Of the books of her’s that I have read so far. This is definitely my favorite, it was very dense and took a while to finish, it is lacking a lot of the storytelling that is prevalent in her other books. I did enjoy that it was more research based and less filled with stories, that is not a criticism just an observation of why it may have taken me longer to read.
This story is a must read for any woman who struggles with self-image, worrying about other people’s opinions, and shame. This book made me feel more at peace, stronger, and more focused. I absolutely loved it.
I gave this book 5 out of 5 stars.
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