Tips to Build an Instagram Following
Creating a following on Instagram can be difficult. I have been working at this for about a year now and I am watching my follower count slowly creep up. I am always on the lookout for new tips and tricks to help run my Instagram account and to build my brand.
Be Yourself
Creating a personality on Instagram is important. You want your followers to feel like they know you. If the personality that you decide to portray is not your own, it will be difficult to continue it. Decide who you want to be on Instagram. Choose the pieces of your personality that suit your audience. If you have a teacher blog as I do, share who you are as a teacher. People will relate to you more if you are real. Audiences can smell a phony miles away.
Find Your People
Connecting with your followers and the people you follow is an important way of engaging your audience. The easiest way to do this is to just start leaving thoughtful and meaningful comments on people’s posts. Developing relationships with other Instagram accounts will help you with your engagement, but it will also keep you in tune with what other people are doing to engage their followers and give you ideas. Don’t copy other people but you can be guided by others.
Get a Scheduling Tool
Being able to plan out and schedule your posts ahead of time is a great way of staying organized and not missing a day. I find that when I decide to do things organically, I get so busy throughout the day that I forget to take a picture and post it. I am most successful about sticking to my schedule when I plan out my posts on for an entire week and schedule them.
Personally, for my scheduling tool, I use Tailwind. I love Tailwind because they have the best training programs and awesome customer support. Tailwind is constantly creating new tools to specifically meet the needs of its clients. Tailwind is something I found because I was using it for my Pinterest scheduling, but their Instagram program is just as awesome. You can also try it for free with their free trial. I highly recommend it.
Keep Doing Research
Often social media websites, Instagram included, change their algorithm. You may be hustling and bustling but one day your traffic just stops. It is important to keep working on your Instagram, constantly be reading articles about what is working and what is not. Try to stay in touch with what is going to help you the most on Instagram.
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