5 Tips for English Language Learners
It seems like every year my school has more English Language Learners in our classrooms. This is a great thing, to be able to learn about new cultures and bring new perspectives into our classrooms. But, with our ESL teachers getting spread thinner and thinner; we are expected to teach these students successfully with little to no support as to how best teach them.
Here are 5 tips for supporting English Language Learners in your classroom
Wait Time
Most teachers are familiar with wait time and are purposeful with how they use it. But, when you have English Language Learners in your classroom, you should try to provide a little more wait time than you would normally.
These students are constantly translating things. When you ask a question, some English Language Learners have to translate your question into their native language, formulate an answer, and then translate their answer back into English. I have never been in this situation, but constantly doing this sounds exhausting!
Pre-Teach Vocabulary
Before you start a lesson, pre-teach the vocabulary that is important for students to know to be successful. Giving students the vocabulary ahead of time will help them when you are trying to teach the concepts. Because without this the English Language Learners are trying to learn the concepts and the vocabulary simultaneously.
Word Wall
Word walls are very common in the elementary grades, but they are more sparse in middle school and high school classrooms. But, if you know that you have English Language Learners in your classroom, it could be beneficial for them if you bring word walls into your secondary classrooms also. Having the vocabulary that has been learned accessible to these students can help them recall words and information.
If you have given a writing assignment and you have a student who is trying to respond to the prompt but can’t remember that word that you talked about last week, they can get stuck on this and the assignment can take them much longer. Visuals of all kinds are great for English Language Learners.
Allow Group Work
Allowing students to work in groups when appropriate, will not only help your English Language Learners with the work, it gives them time to socialize with their peers. As we can all imagine, it is difficult for a student who doesn’t speak English well to make friends.
Use Visuals
This goes along with the word wall. Giving students visual representations of oral information will help them comprehend the concepts easier. Put words around your room, like you may see in the younger grades. This will help students pick up some of the non-curriculum vocabulary words.
What are the things that have worked in your classroom?
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