Tips for Keeping Your New Years Resolution
Every year we create resolutions and most of us have given up on them by the middle of January or the beginning of February. Here are some tips to create an attainable goal this year that will keep you motivated the whole year.
Make Sure Your Resolution is Reachable
So this year I am going to lose 200 pounds by swimsuit season!
Yes, I realize that this resolution is extreme, but I exaggerated to make a point. If you create a resolution that is too grand for you to reach you are going to get frustrated.
Come February when you are not 1/6 of the way there you are going to throw in the towel because it is unattainable.
Decide what is a reasonable amount of weight to lose in a month and then multiply that by 12 to come up with your weight loss goal.
Or create a goal that doesn’t involve the scale. Make your goal that you’re going to fit back into a certain clothing item. Or another Non-Scale Victory.
Make Small Resolutions To Hit Throughout The Year
Come up with monthly goals. Again I am going to use weight loss as an example. Say that you’re going to lose 5 pounds per month. Or whatever other amount you think is attainable. That way if you do have a bad month you can jump back in the next month and reach that month’s goal.
Or if you are trying to pay off debt, say that you are going to pay off a certain amount per month. This way you have little goals. Also, having smaller goals will give you small victories throughout the year that will keep you motivated. Make sure to celebrate yourself whenever you meet these goals! You’re working hard!
Plan Ahead
Don’t pick your goal on a whim. To reach a goal, you need to have a plan and set yourself up. If you’re trying to lose weight, get all of those chips and girl scout cookies out of your kitchen! Meal plan your week so that you are not impulsed selecting meals (that is where I always go wrong).
Having a plan and preparing yourself is crucial if you are trying to make a life change. Or if you are trying to create new habits.
Make Sure Your Resolution is Measurable
“I am going to be more present this year”
What does that look like!?
If you create goals or resolutions that are not measurable you will have no concrete way of knowing whether or not you met them.
Instead of “being more present” say that you will not use your phone during dinner. Or that you will spend 1 hour per day without interruption playing with your kids with no screen time. Those things are measurable but also revolve around being more present.
What are your resolutions this year? Share them in the comments!
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