• Blog,  Education,  Special Education

    High-Stakes Testing

    Like most states, my students have to participate annually in high-stakes testing.  My eighth graders are responsible for taking two days of ELA testing, two days of Math testing and two days of Science testing. It is spread out to three weeks, two days per week, and it’s going to be a long few weeks! Preparation How do you prepare your students for high-stakes testing? My students are in middle school, so this is their sixth year doing testing like this. They seem to go on autopilot; they just want to get through the test and on to whatever is happening later in the day. With math, we work really hard to…

  • Blog,  Education,  ELA,  Math,  Special Education

    Special Education Pacing: Do We Rush or Not?

    Special education pacing can be challenging when you are trying to find the right balance.  One of the decisions I struggle with the most is whether to focus on understanding or getting through the curriculum.  This is a struggle I have mainly with math. I work with students who often require extra practice and more taught lessons to understand something.  But, when you slow down to be able to do this, you are risking running out of time to finish the whole curriculum by the end of the year. Sub-separate Teaching – Special Education Pacing Last year I taught a sub-separate math class that had less than ten students.  It…