September 2018 Book Reviews
Something in the Water by Catherine Steadman
This novel starts with an attention-grabbing scene. The main character starts the book in the prologue, burying a body that you quickly find out is her husband’s. After that we flashback to find out why. The story is about a young couple who stumble upon a mysterious package while diving on their honeymoon. What they then do with the package is where the action comes in. This novel is supposed to be a thriller but I felt as though it felt short. It was odd, the storylines were unbelievable at times, and not in a good way.
I would have to give this book 2 out of 5 stars. The only good thing I can really say is that once I got to about 3/4 of the way into the book, I did want to finish it just to find out what would happen.
Mistress Suffragette by Diana Forbes
This was a unique and interesting novel that I did enjoy. The story takes place in New England in the 1800s during the early stages of the women’s suffrage movement. The main character is a young girl whose mother is pressuring her to get married and start a family while she is still heartbroken from her failed engagement. In attempts to avoid a married man who is trying to pursue her, she runs away to Boston with her best friend and inadvertently becomes a member of the suffrage movement.
This book was different from anything I’ve read before and I really enjoyed it. It was pretty light and fun, watching this young woman discovering who she is and what she wants to do with her life. I gave this book 3.5 out of 5 stars.
Also, check out:
The 10 Best Books that I Read in 2017
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