Differentiated Worksheets
Being able to meet the needs of all of the learners in your classroom can be a challenge. You have students who are struggling with the work in the same class as students who are excelling. You don’t want to leave the struggling students behind but you also want to be challenging the advanced students. When you leave advanced students unattended, they get bored and can become behavior problems. Because of this, I created differentiated worksheets. These worksheets cover all of the topics of solving equations but do it at varying levels of difficulty.
Level A Worksheets
The worksheets that are in the Level A group have all problems that include positive integer operations only.
Level B Worksheets
The Level B set covers all of the same topics as the Level A set but they have problems that require positive and negative integer operations.
Level C Worksheets
Level C set includes all of the same topics as Levels A and B but these problems include problems and answers that have fractions and decimals mixed in with positive integer operations.
Level D Worksheets
The Level D worksheets have all of the same topics as the Levels A, B, and C; but this set includes positive and negative integer operations as well as fractions and decimals.
How I Use Them
This set is great for differentiating your classwork or your homework. You can assign a certain level to the students based on their abilities. I believe that this will help all of your students to be successful in their own way. Students who are struggling with their negative integer operations or fractions and decimals can complete the Level A set while still becoming proficient in the concepts of solving equations.
Also, Check-Out:
The Pros and Cons of Assigning Homework
Using Reference Sheets to Support Your Inclusion Students
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