Blogging: Dealing with Writer’s Block
Trying to have something to write about constantly can be tough. I always stare at my computer, waiting for the words to put themselves on the screen. But when you are trying to create and run a successful blog, the most important thing that you can do is be putting out new content regularly. Finding what you are going to be writing about is the biggest struggle.
When I started blogging, I was putting out a new post twice per week. I just really wanted to get as much content out there as fast as possible. But after a few months of this, with my full-time job and other responsibilities, it was just not feasible to keep up this pace. Now I make sure to post one blog post per week.
How I keep the ideas coming:
Keep a List
I continuously am adding to my blog post ideas list. I keep a list in Evernote, which I use for everything, where I quickly add any idea that pops into my head. Even if I’m grocery shopping, I can open the app on my phone and jot down whatever comes to me.
This way when it is time to sit down and write a blog post, I have a list of ideas that I can choose from.
Sometimes I really am just out of ideas. I look at my list and none of them am I prepared to write about. When this happens I will start to research different topics in my field. I am obviously not looking to copy anyone else’s work. I just try to get my juices flowing. This is especially true over the summer when I am not currently surrounded by students. During the school year, all different kinds of situations come up during the day that gives me ideas of things to write about. But over the summer I am not immersed in teaching and special education, so sometimes the ideas are harder to come by.
I research by reading different journals on teaching. Reading through different notes I took during the year. I even browse through Pinterest. What I try to do is find popular problems that people are having and then try to create a blog post that helps them with these problems.
Just Start Writing
I can’t tell you how many times I have sat down to write a blog post and finished with a completely different blog post.
When you are having a hard time, pick a topic and just start writing about it. As you get writing, it can stimulate your brain. Sometimes when I start writing about something the rest of the blog post just seems to come to me. Other times, I come up with a better idea, save the draft of what I started, and let that other blog post flow out.
Don’t Get Discouraged
Just like anything in life, you go through phases when writing seems impossible. During these times I try to cut myself some slack and maybe focus on a different aspect of your blog. Maybe instead of writing, you want to spend sometime upping your Pinterest game. Reorganize your boards, or work on an Instagram schedule. Just keep plugging away and everything will fall into place. Hard work is really the key to a successful blog.
For more help with blogging, check out:
Blogging Resources You Need to Be Using