4 Tips for Directing Your School Play
So this year I took on a new challenge. This year I co-directed the school play with my school secretary.
We. Had. A. Blast!
It was probably one of the hardest things that I’ve ever done, but it was also one of the most rewarding.
It was the last minute, an unplanned decision for both of us to take on this endeavor. After two emails from my principal that went out to the whole staff about there not being anyone to run the play, I started to think about it. I have never directed a play before, but I was in a lot of them as a child and teenager. All I could think of was that these students who look forward to the school play need to be able to be in one.
After making the decision, my school secretary volunteered to split it with me. She also had no experience, but we easily and naturally fell into our rolls. I did most of the director’s responsibilities, and she did most of the producer’s responsibilities.
Throughout this process, I learned A LOT!
Don’t try to go at it alone.
I could NEVER have done this without my co-advisor. There was so much to worry about that I hadn’t even thought of. And it’s not like you get time off from teaching to do this. I was already busy, taking o this additional role.
It ended up that I did most of the acting, singing, and dancing. While I did that she handled arranging most of the costumes, sound people, rentals, room reservations for rehearsals, programs and a million other things I hadn’t even considered.
You are one human, and this is a lot of work!
Ask around for volunteers
We got help from our lead’s mother with costumes. She is a seamstress and was more than happy to help us with making small pieces for costumes, doing alterations as needed, and just helping us brainstorm ways to make these characters come to life on a budget.
We had Honor Society volunteers help us sell tickets and pass out programs. They were looking for volunteer hours, and we needed help. It was really a win-win.
We are currently without our own auditorium and had to borrow time in the high school’s. I had NO IDEA how to work any of the technical aspects of the high school and was sooo nervous to ask. The high school teachers are intimidating even though they probably don’t mean to be. One of the teachers who work on the high school play willingly donated so much of her time to us to help us. We seriously couldn’t have done it without her, and she asked for nothing in return.
People like plays and often want to help. Don’t be afraid to ask.
Schedule more practices than you think are necessary.
No matter how prepared you think you are, you could always use another practice. When you are planning your practices, you are probably assuming you are going to have good attendance at most of the practices. You forget about that chorus field-trip that 3/4 of your cast is going on or the fact that the flu is going to rampage your school for two weeks.
You can always use an extra few practices to review that tricky dance sequence or that song that has three-part harmony. When you are making your schedules, over schedule practice, so you’re not panicking the week of the show.
Remember to enjoy it
This is my only regret this year. I spend the whole night of the show running around and freaking out. Worrying about every little detail. By the time I started having fun, the kids were bowing, and the show was over. The night of, you need to remember that everyone knows what they’re doing. You have practiced until you were blue in the face. Now is the time to enjoy your masterpiece!
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