3 Reasons Your Blog Isn’t Getting Traffic
Starting a blog can be a slow and tedious process. You spend hours and hours creating and the visitors don’t just instantly come. It really can be a trial in patience and perseverance.
But, if you’ve been blogging for a while and you’re still not seeing a boost in traffic, here are three things you could be doing wrong.
You’re Not Utilizing Social Media
Social media can be exhausting. But, if you are not putting your brand out there and getting followers, people will never see your articles.
In order to be getting a constant flow of traffic to your blog, one of the things you need to make sure that you’re doing is being active on social media.
Now, don’t do what I did. I created accounts for all social media and tried to focus on them all at once.
This creates chaos, and the results are that you are not doing any one of them well.
What you need to do is pick one or two social media platforms and really master them. Research what times of day are the most effective for your niche. Research how people gain followers and what attracts those followers.
Post regularly, don’t just post once per week. most social media platforms work best when you are posting daily.
Create a social media plan, what are you going to post and when? There are many resources that schedule posts for you. Look at Tailwind and Hootsuite.
You’re Not Creating Catchy Titles
People are going to want to read articles that have titles that catch their attention. Your title needs to tell them that you can solve the problem that they are having.
Make your titles exciting! Tell them exactly what you’re going to do for them. Instead of “Teaching”, name your article “5 Things You Need in Your Classroom Today!” The second example is going to create a curiosity that is going to result in people clicking your link to find out what they need.
You Don’t Know How to Utilize Pinterest
Pinterest can be a gold mine of exposure. Of my traffic, probably 85-90% of it comes right from Pinterest.
Make sure that you are up to date with what the current Pinterest algorithms recommend. There are certain size pins that perform better (and sometimes it changes). There are certain times of day that perform better, there are certain rotation schedules that result in better traffic.
Personally, I took a course that I highly recommend for mastering Pinterest.
And, this course is updated regularly as changes are made in Pinterest’s algorithm.
The Struggle is Real
Mastering a blog is really tough. I am still working to get to where I want to be. But be patient and just keep hustling.
Good luck!!
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